Services - Princeton IT America
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IT Staff Argumentation

Do you want a low risk, flexible, and easy solution for your IT staffing needs? Princeton America is a full-service specialty staffing organization providing flexible and permanent staffing solutions for time-strapped employers; and career management expertise for job seekers. We at Cyber Resource Group, provide cost-effective, custom-crafted, high-quality and value-added staffing solutions to hiring organizations.

Over the years, Cyber Resource Group has perfected the process of not just providing a job to candidates, but also providing the right job, by producing matches that benefit both the job seekers and its client organizations.

IT Consultancy

Do you need to optimize your company’s business performance to win in today’s highly competitive marketplace? Our Management Consulting enables our customers to define and implement a strategic company direction. Cyber Resource Group consultants are seasoned IT managers and executives that can lead and assist IT and business teams in implementing new or improved operational processes.

Our consultants facilitate customer teams through a formal process-driven methodology that includes gathering, organizing, and documenting core business information. Princeton America’s consulting practice focuses on unleashing the power of the workforce and increasing organizational capabilities that lead to improved and sustainable profits, customer services, and competitive positions.

  • Our engagement experience includes such projects as:

    • ERP Systems
    • Microsoft Dot Net
    • Data Warehousing
    • Oracle Application
    • Unix
    • SAP CRM.PeopleSoft

  • Our capabilities include:

    • Business Process Analysis
    • Architectural Design
    • Project Management
    • Workflow
    • Best Practices


Do you want to concentrate your operational structures on your core competencies, rather than committing your resources in non-strategic assets, which do not provide sufficient returns on investment? At Cyber Resource Group, we turn around your business operations into efficient, economical and effective strategic opportunities, that give you the for cutting edge accelerated growth. Princeton America is a full-service provider of diversified business solutions that enable its clients to access advanced technology without the risks associated with technology management, adapt to customer demand variations, reduce turnaround times, sharpen their competitive edge, maximize shareholder value and gain substantial cost reductions to positively impact the bottom line.