Technology - Princeton IT America
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Our core competencies fall into the following areas:

  • Client/Server application development
  • Thin client computing
  • Object-Oriented software development
  • E-Commerce and web-based technologies

The Object Technology methods or language skills available are:

  • Object-oriented frameworks and class libraries
  • C++
  • MFC
  • Object Oriented Case Tools (Rational Rose)

The Distributed Object Model available are

  • IONA’s – ORBIX using CORBA (Common Object Resource Broker Architecture) technology
  • Microsoft – COM/ DCOM (Component Object Model/ Distributed Component Object Model)

Development model

We believe to build good software we need to be an extension of the customer’s organization. Cyber uses an iterative development model where each phase of the project is split into clearly defined deliverables. This allows the customer to track the progress of the project and provide key feedback that can be fed into the next stage of development.

Internet Technology Methods or Language Skills available are:

  • Microsoft Dot Net, Java
  • JavaScript, VBScript
  • Java Applet Development
  • Perl Development
  • WWW to Database connectivity Beans
  • ASP, JSP (Active Server Pages/ Java Server Pages)
  • CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
  • Java Application Development
  • Client-Server application development
  • IE/ Netscape Plug-In development
  • WWW to CORBA connectivity

Our technical expertise includes:

  • Operating Systems: Windows 9x, NT, 2000, Linux, OS/2 and MVS
  • Languages: Java, Smalltalk, C, C++, HTML, XML and JavaScript
  • Technologies: Java Beans, EJB, JSP, Servlets and CORBA
  • Databases: DB2, MS SQL Server and Oracle
  • Application Servers: IBM Websphere, Allaire JRun and J2EE